Yep you read that right, maybe even take a second to read it again.
I have had so many lovely messages following on from Sunday’s Shenanigans and todays Vlog… the majority of people being lovely, lots telling me they admire the fact I can laugh about it and that I can continue to support and cheer Emily on despite having a bad day.
“A Win & An Elim” Vlog ~ Bovington BE90
And then I saw this quote and boy did it ring true to me… the reason I am so laid back about last weekend is because despite it being a shocking way to end our season I feel blessed to be out there enjoying my pony and making amazing memories with my best friend.
YES we had a bad result on paper… but think of all those poor people that don’t have horses in their lives, or even puppy dogs to kiss goodnight to.
The people who don’t have best friends to make these epic memories with or a husband to stroke their hair and tell them they are proud of them regardless of the result.
Really resonated to me ?
And this picture (below) yup that was also a “Bad day” on paper too, hence the air jacket has been discarded and I’m completing my round without it!!!
But look at the picture that I got to bring home with me all those years ago that reminds me of that fab weekend with my awesome team mate every time I look at it ?
I think it’s safe to say these days aren’t bad days they are part of the Journey.