If you follow me on Instagram you’ll know that I have just had a phone free weekend, which I think is something we could all benefit from once in a while, phones consume a lot of time in all of our lives and I feel I do need to take a little leaf out of Verena’s book and be more conscious of enjoying my surroundings a little more and being aware of how much time is spent unnecessarily scrolling!!

That said obviously I LOVE the gram and of course YouTube and am forever grateful of the opportunities i have had from being an “influencer” over the past few years.

However I think it’s also very important to “influence” others into taking a break at times too and to remember what is most important in life ~ good health and happiness 🤍

Em’s Cornwall Vlog ~ https://youtu.be/H67ha8Lk5W4

Lucy’s Cornwall Vlog ~ https://youtu.be/equZJHlksOA

VESquad Unite ~ https://youtu.be/pOiYdX6MNzE